Getting to grips with Loose Parts Play

Dive into open ended play with our loose parts collection including over 100 products perfect for helping develop imagination, problem solving and communication.

What are loose parts?

Loose parts are objects and materials that can be carried, lined up, morphed, stacked, combined, moulded, redesigned, moved, nested, taken apart and put together again in multiple ways. With no specific set of directions, they can be used alone or in combination with other materials - the possibilities for play are endless! 

Some of the many benefits of loose parts play include the development of fine motor skills, problem solving and pre-math skills which help to lay a foundation for STEM. 

Here are a few loose parts materials you can incorporate:

Natural loose parts Household items  Creative and messy play Sensory items

Coconut shells
Cork tops

Dried pasta
Clothes peg
Foam sponges

Pom poms 
Lollipop sticks
Wiggly eyes

Textured squares
Sensory metal balls
Sensory fruit play stones
Reflective buttons
Threads and yarns

How can loose parts help?

Loose parts play can contribute to the development of children's creativity, exploration, imagination, learning and most importantly it's fun! 

Having loose parts available in your early years setting or at home allows children to use their objects and materials as they choose. Children prefer to play with materials that they can use and adapt: whether that's using rocks as buttons in a rocket ship, creating a house out of leaves or making ribbon soup in their mud kitchen, loose parts play can be taken anywhere with no real restrictions! 

WARNING: Make sure to check the age suitability of individual products and ensure any items you gather from around your house and garden do not have any hidden choking hazards.

Loose parts brochure 

Check out our loose parts brochure for more ways to inspire your little ones.

Shop the loose parts collection

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