Attend a My School Fund webinar


In these webinars we will discuss the exciting My School Fund initiative, exclusively available to ESPO and Eduzone customers in association with Sainsburys and Argos.

What’s covered?

• An overview of My School Fund and how it works.
• An explanation of the potential earnings that schools and nurseries can achieve and why it’s so important to get families and staff linked to your organisation.
• An overview of the free resources available to help promote My School Fund to your network of parents and staff.
• Examples of how other schools and nurseries are successfully promoting it.
• Additional incentives.
• Ideas of what you could spend your rebate on.
• Question and answer session.

Who’s this webinar for?

Perfect for School Business Managers, Bursars, Head Teachers, School Marketing Managers, Nursery Managers, PTAs or anyone running the My School Fund scheme on behalf of your school or Nursery. Whether your school or Nursery is already signed up to My School Fund or not, this webinar will provide useful information to help you get started as well as share ways to promote the scheme to your network of families and staff.

Book your place


Monday 13 December

11:00 - 11:30



Monday 31 January

12:00 - 12:30

Register here

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